Friday, August 22, 2008

The Big 11 BASH !!

Well my precious little one has turned 11, and I tell you what it was a great Bash!! BL made her day so special with a special treat out to a neat restaurant and YES a MR. Potato Head Indiana Jones. I tell you with half her family living across the country its nice to know that she has so many loved ones here who stop to make her day special and for that I love you much.

This year was a small party due to the fact we took her for Another week at our favorite place in the world Disneyland. The Mouse swallowed our wallet but we had a great time. But all in all we had a fantastic time.

Another plus was that her witch of an X- aunt wont be around to spoil her day anymore bitching that they HAD to have the same birthday ..... screw you life goes on !!! And I'm happy I NEVER put your damn name on MY kids cake .....Lord you are so petty I hope you drown in your misery..

That felt good to get off my chest... now to think of
Disney Land again .................................

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Not Work Safe ......Not Kid Enjoy

Sometimes I come across things that are so wrong they are right! for instance today I ran across this wonderful little site that i shall link to you for your enjoyment. The Legend of Neil

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I found the Link you where waiting for Ritterschlag!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Guild

If you like Dr. Horrible here is another link just for your enjoyment, The Guild . This is so cute its funny because my friends tell me I'm just like Codex, I'm not sure if its a complement or not LOL. But i hope you like this link also.

DR. Horrible's singAlong Blog

You must check this out DR. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog!!

I love this you MUST check it out!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008


I love Disneyland I think I will go there again and visit soon!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Conan and Spore

I finally put my pre order in for the new Conan game!!! I am so excited to get addicted to Another game.

Spore is also another game I am looking forward to. But its not out till my Birthday. Check Spore out it really looks like alot of fun!

Monday, April 14, 2008

ok im crazy

I like this song

Crawl back into bed before you hurt your self.

Malto Meal overflow in the microwave, spilled too much iodine into the saltwater fish tank, forgot the sink faucet was not aimed properly when I turned it on, that was a nice wet mess. Then as I started to sing that oh so wonderful line by Hanna Montana ,"Everybody has those days" my daughter pipes in and sings "But not me!" I think I am gonna go back to bed and start over. Hehehe..

new report....

A cheese grater fell out of the cabinet and onto my face!!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Why ?!?

The Internet is so wonderful until you find things like this. How big of a problem is it ? Why do so many web sites have products to take care of this? Why did i link it? I don't know i'm just nuts....

Friday, April 11, 2008


YOU SUCK!!! sometimes... OK maybe your not too bad

Monday, April 7, 2008

Conan and my computer HELL

OK, Age of Conan is around the bend. I decided I wanted to play this game so much that I would upgrade my main computer....That so called new windows program is now blocking my efforts, its not reading my drivers for my new hard drive and has now halted all progress. PLEASE if you know how to fix this i can give you more info and statistics maybe I can fix this damn machine.

It's not always about you

For those who know me you know I'm pretty blunt. I would never blog anything that I would not tell you to your face. I do not fear blogging because I tell it how it is. So if you ever see anything on here and you think its about you Ask me ill tell ya. I just won't embarrass you and stick your name on a blog, I do have some tact. So please feel free to share with me email me or call I'm always around.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Having a truck makes you an instant buddy. So if you ever feel like you don't have enough friends in this world buy a nice sized pickup and BOOM!!! instant friends. It's the cure for a lonely person. There are a few draw backs to this idea, Like.... hauling their crap to the dumps on a Saturday or moving them from one place to another. And the always pleasant can I just borrow the truck from you so I don't bother you stunt followed by the return of a dirty truck with a quarter tank of gas and a broken tailgate. But it's always a good feeling to know you have true friends, until your pickup is in the shop.

Yes, In this past month I have done all of the above and at this point im ready to sell it for a Ford Fiesta HA HA HA !!!

Friday, March 21, 2008


I have a few Phobias but now I have to add one. I am never getting near a boat or water again

Thursday, March 20, 2008

How to say Goodnight

I am sure like everyone else who entertains once and a while you have that all too wonderful guest that just won't get the hint at the end of the night to go HOME. In the old days a broom placed behind the front door was a clue that the party is over. At least I was told that I'm not too sure if that was just a story someone told me or whatever. But I digress. I am not sure if this person is just clueless or just doesn't give a rats rear about others or maybe I'm just such a shiny happy person they just want to linger in the light that is me. LOL. I have tried everything from the subtle hints of the big yawn, looking at the clock and saying "Oh my! its so late and I have to be up extra early tomorrow", to walking with them as we talk towards the front door. At that point they hang on the open door to the outside and talk for another half hour. GRRRRRR! I really try not to be a rude person but OMG please people get the frigging hint!! So, to every person out there who is a guest in someones home. Remember the old saying don't wear out your welcome. If someone is turning the house lights out on you and putting on PJ's, Maybe just Maybe its time for you to go. You don't have to go home but you can't stay here! BTW I do love my friends dearly and I do love to have them around me. Just not at 2 AM on a Sunday night.

Saved by the Librarian !!!

OK, So last night I made a desperate phone call to my favorite Librarian. I begged him to go to the Gym, But...AAAAAYYYYAAAAAAAA! He had an incident at the Gym the day before. It so happened that a friend of the family was on his way over when I was "ALONE" and I really didn't feel like being chased around the couch trying to pry this guy off. So... I begged him to come over for dinner so there was another person around. Smart last min. thinking on my part. Of course he was more than happy to save the day =). As it turns out I told the other "Friend" that my librarian buddy was also gonna be over. And sure enough later that night about 10pm he called and told me he got caught up with computer work and could not make it over but would call me the next day. Of course when I would again be alone. Needless to say the answering machine is on today. Thank you Sir Librarian for the late night save!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A note from Satan about manners!

Hi, I'm Satan, and I'd like to talk to you about good manners.

Kids, good manners are a staple of polite society. If you don't have good manners, you may be considered rude or boorish, and you will be eternally damned to Hell.

To start with, there's no substitution for being polite. A simple "Please" or "Thank You" will go a long way towards making someone's day a little bit brighter, a little bit happier. For example, when burning the flesh off of a sinning mortal's bones, I always make sure to thank my screaming victim for his time. Eternal suffering can be hard work, and I appreciate their effort.

And you'd be surprised how many miserable souls will allow me to carve unholy symbols on their eyeballs when I simply say "Please."

Yes, common courtesey goes a long way towards curing society's ills.

While we're being courteous, always remember to hold doors open for people less fortunate than you. Allowing a wooden door to slam into the face of an unlucky paraplegic is a sure-fire way to get a one-way ticket to Hell.

I always try to hold doors open as I herd my tormented subjects towards a pit of rabid fire ants or a room full of living flame which is just waiting to melt their heart inside the ribcage.

And people, take off your hats when you're indoors! Wearing a hat indoors is silly, rude, and will send you straight to Hell where you'll burn for all eternity.

People who wear hats indoors are subjected to hideous torment in Hell, where they're forced to stand, hatless, in the middle of a downpour of sulfuric acid which continually melts through their skull and into the soft tissue of their brain, where it creates unimaginable pain for all time.

That goes for baseball caps, too.

Finally kids, be sure to raise your hand before speaking. If you simply shout out in a crowd without being called on, you run the risk of looking foolish, offending the other kids, and yes, going to Hell.

When tiny worms of pestilence and famine are crawling along the insides of the skin of the damned, the poor souls know that the only way they'll ever get a moment's peace is if they raise their hand and wait for me to call on them instead of just crying out in extreme agony.
But they tend to scream anyway.

To sum up, be polite. Common courtesey takes little to no effort on your part, and can save you an eternity of afterlife misery. Remember, polite people go to Heaven, rude people go to Hell and have their own pus-ridden entrails fed to them nightly.

I'm Satan, see ya later!

Superhero Movie

The next movie my fabulous friend is going with me and my family to is SUPERHERO MOVIE! Check it out! If you go to the movie soon, and see someone being treated like a movie-star, that's me! Really!